Starting From Scratch
Starting from Scratch
Creating an idea comes from an entire sequence of imagination , song , and lyrical pieces that inspire a creator to create a new form of art to see the world in a different way . At this time , I would usually be fast asleep dreaming about a motion picture . But it seems as if I work best when the lights are out and all that I have within my grasp are some pencils , a blank notebook paper , my laptop , and an inspiring movie to help to motivate my every thought .
"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day" -Vincent Van Gogh .
This quote is a touching genre of different elements that allow me to express my thoughts and ideas within this blog . It is a Saturday morning ; One Nine-teen to be exact . Most people are sleeping at this time . But there are those few that are awake creating new ways to live . I am one of those few . Those few that are creating the next "Mickey Mouse" or the next "Universal Studios " . This is where you will get to experience something new .
As I am researching new ways to perform and portray an idea for an opening film , I came across two examples that take in my inner teenage side and inspire me to take a narrative approach within my project .
The first example is from a movie that was released in January of 2016 entitled "THE FITH WAVE" . The beginning of this film made me want to find out just how the main character got to be into that death portraying position . After this film opening is shown , an instant graphic follows that impacted me in dramatic way as it was a way to hook the audience to what was coming there way .

The second example is a truly inspirational story within the overall aspect of life . A truly incredible and inspirational masterpiece . Directed by Sean McNamara , this piece contributes to an enormous perspective on how difficult situations are put together to create something inspiring and empowering all at the same time . Bethany Hamilton who is now a professional surfer covers her narrative perspective on how her life began before and after the intense scene in her life . I have included this film opening scene as well as some background information on Bethany's story and how her story impacted millions of audience members within a wide screen .
From watching both of these films , I believe that my film opening will include an impacting scene within the whole perspective of what can happen within a second .One minute our life is normal , then the next it is a different atmosphere . It is something and somewhere that turns into the thought to
Creating an idea comes from an entire sequence of imagination , song , and lyrical pieces that inspire a creator to create a new form of art to see the world in a different way . At this time , I would usually be fast asleep dreaming about a motion picture . But it seems as if I work best when the lights are out and all that I have within my grasp are some pencils , a blank notebook paper , my laptop , and an inspiring movie to help to motivate my every thought .
"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day" -Vincent Van Gogh .
This quote is a touching genre of different elements that allow me to express my thoughts and ideas within this blog . It is a Saturday morning ; One Nine-teen to be exact . Most people are sleeping at this time . But there are those few that are awake creating new ways to live . I am one of those few . Those few that are creating the next "Mickey Mouse" or the next "Universal Studios " . This is where you will get to experience something new .
As I am researching new ways to perform and portray an idea for an opening film , I came across two examples that take in my inner teenage side and inspire me to take a narrative approach within my project .
The first example is from a movie that was released in January of 2016 entitled "THE FITH WAVE" . The beginning of this film made me want to find out just how the main character got to be into that death portraying position . After this film opening is shown , an instant graphic follows that impacted me in dramatic way as it was a way to hook the audience to what was coming there way .
The second example is a truly inspirational story within the overall aspect of life . A truly incredible and inspirational masterpiece . Directed by Sean McNamara , this piece contributes to an enormous perspective on how difficult situations are put together to create something inspiring and empowering all at the same time . Bethany Hamilton who is now a professional surfer covers her narrative perspective on how her life began before and after the intense scene in her life . I have included this film opening scene as well as some background information on Bethany's story and how her story impacted millions of audience members within a wide screen .
From watching both of these films , I believe that my film opening will include an impacting scene within the whole perspective of what can happen within a second .One minute our life is normal , then the next it is a different atmosphere . It is something and somewhere that turns into the thought to
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