During the course of this project , I tended to deny the fact that the time period that I was given to complete this project would fly like the wind and the dead line would come fast . My advisor did warned us that the five week mark was going to fly fast and the reason why I did not choose to believe it was because of the fact that April seemed so far away and the sound of five weeks entering a teenagers mind was an actual factor of believing that process of making this product was going to becoming so soon . I have enjoyed working on this project . From the idea to the changes that I had to make to it right after I spoke to advisor , each moment had its own special moment . But not all special moments are considered good one's . Some moments caused frustration and anger such as we the production process of "ALL AT ONCE " came along . Although my actors may physically look well presented on screen , off-screen , the agony and madness began and from now on , the word patient runs through my veins . This was an amazing experience and I am so sad to say that it is almost over .


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